abacite test solutions

Makers of temperature ovens for applications related to the reliability testing of semiconductors 

You may contact the Abacite sales office for the USA at the following:

RJI Technical Sales
2931 Ridge Road - Suite 101-157
Rockwall, Texas 75032

Phone: (469) 656-2022


Abacite Test Solutions is focused on providing calculated, cost effective and practical solutions for the test and burn-in of semiconductor and microelectronic devices.  Our emphasis is on semiconductor testing, through the design and manufacture of environmental, temperature ovens, along with integration of burn-in hardware.  

Product Family

Our initial products are based on the real needs of reliability labs in the semiconductor industry.  Many of these labs have limited budgets, smaller staffs and older resources to work with.  But, at the same time, they have seriously important work to complete for their companies.   

These limitations place a real strain on the ability to complete their tasks.   Abacite is here to help.   Our products are designed with you in mind, as well as the limitations that exist in your real world.  

Our first product offering in the USA is a line of temperature ovens designed for lab use.   This product, called the OneBox, is designed to consume a small footprint, while providing for the temperature needs of today's semiconductor reliability laboratory. 

Please refer to the Products page of this web site for additional information.   Product descriptions are provided as well as links to product data sheets and flyers.  


Abacite Test Solutions manufactures their products in the USA.   Abacite is a Texas based company with operations located in the Dallas - Ft. Worth Metroplex.  

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A USA Manufacturer